- We hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. We believe that the Bible is without error in the original manuscripts
and is absolutely truthful and reliable in every area it touches including science, history and philosophy.
- We use the New King James Version although any good translation is acceptable.
- We believe in the incarnation, the virgin birth, every miracle the Bible proclaims, the physical death of
Jesus, and His literal, bodily resurrection.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit, His person and work in and among believers.
- We believe in the fall of man and original sin.
- We believe in salvation in Christ alone, by faith alone and that acceptance into God's family is based on
one's personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
- We believe in the Baptist Distinctives; Bible believing, Automy of the Local Church, Priesthood of all believers,
Two ordinaces-Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper, Individual Soul Liberty (your personal relationship with God is
personal) Salvation by faith plus nothing, and finally, Two offices, Pastor and Deacon.
- We believe in the person and work of Satan as a fallen angel.
- We believe that the sign gifts (tongues and foretelling) were for signs to the authenticity of the message
of the early Church and are not necessary today.
- If you have other questions not answered here please do not hesitate to call the church office at (609) 965-2177